Refuge of Hope has a bold mission.
We exist to empower the vulnerable women and children of Bucerias, Mexico to live in physical, emotional and spiritual safety and harmony.
Welcome. Please join us on our journey to offer hope and refuge to those in our community who need it most. Education, food, shelter, skills, love. Medical care. Spiritual growth.
The job is big. We need your support as we continue to serve single moms and their children.
Refuge: A place of protection and safety from
abuse, poverty and hunger
Shade: A place of healing and cool refreshing
Shelter: A place to take cover from a storm,
from danger, from fear

We need your help! We cannot alleviate the pain we see everyday without many resources.
Financial donations, gifts of food and clothing, volunteer assistance, prayer and emotional support.
Will you become part of our story? Will you offer hope to those who hurt here in Bucerias? Will you partner with us as we seek to create a safe space in our community, a true Refuge of Hope?
To donate, please click here